The time is now: Gen Z is entering the workforce. How can you appeal to and retain a Gen Zer?
They support companies that align with their self values
They grew up on the internet and value technology
They have created unique identities for themselves online and want a place where they are accepted for who they are
Social issues are important to them
Money (pay) is not always their motivation
A study by Forrester found that 51% of Gen Z (aged 18 to 23 years) will ensure that a brand’s corporate social responsibility aligns with their own before they purchase or work with a brand. https://www.businessofapps.com/news/51-of-gen-z-shop-with-brands-that-align-with-their-own-core-values/ They want purpose-driven and experiential careers. "Executives and business leaders... must understand that today’s talent is looking at experiences and chapters. A typical career used to resemble something like this: Start at a company, work your way up the ladder, get promoted, and then retire. That mentality has shifted. Something new is emerging. Top-tier talent is saying: “I’ll bring from day one my experiences, and I’ll help you be a better company. But I will leave at some point, and you should not be concerned by that. I will leave it better than I found it, but I will also leave better than I arrived.” https://www.fastcompany.com/90772850/gen-z-isnt-looking-for-a-dream-job-heres-what-they-want-instead A report from OCAD University revealed that 73% of Gen Z believe they need more self-expression to live a happy, healthy life. AND A report from Deloitte indicated that although salary is still the most important factor in deciding on a job, Gen Z values it less than every other generation. In fact, if they are given the choice of accepting a better-paying job that is boring versus a job that is more interesting but pays less, Gen Z was evenly divided over the choice. https://www.cmswire.com/customer-experience/do-your-brands-values-align-with-those-of-gen-z/ Other characteristics of Gen Zers are:
Digitally sophisticated
Environmentally concerned
Ethical shoppers
Values access over possession
Racially, sexually, religiously diverse
Financially minded
Social media activists
Politically progressive
Supportive of women’s rights, LGBTQ+ rights, BLM movement