There are fewer 20-to-24 year old's today working or searching for a job than before the pandemic, and economists are puzzled as to why.
Ages 15 also took a hit but have regained pre-pandemic levels of employment.
Participation for people over 55 also remains well below pre-pandemic levels. That seems at least partly due to many of them taking early retirement, either by choice or because of difficulty finding suitable work late in their careers.
But why is it that 20-24-year-olds are no longer in the job market? Most of them decided to go back to get their secondary education after their education experience was derailed by COVID.
The other group of Gen Zers are making a name for themselves and starting their own businesses.
It's also important to put everything into perspective from a younger workers mindset, Gen Zers are aware of how dispirited the generations ahead of them are about their workplace. They witnessed their parents' struggle during the recession and then graduated into a job market where there was little demand for their skills.
They would much rather work independently or for smaller firms in which their values and goals are aligned with theirs.
Keeping this in mind, it is important to have an organization that holds strong values and stands with them. This will entice the younger workers who flood into the market after getting their secondary education or move on from their independent work.